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Everything posted by canimicus

  1. Hello, with the new image the teletext button on rc produces a red hand symbol. Reassigning teletext to another button by e.g. multiquickbutton does not work. Please have a look. Edit : in OpenAtv 5.0 teletext works!
  2. Hello, I never had any problems flashing. But this time I am stuck. Trying to update from 6.5 to 6,6 I get a very short message : updating flash..... an then "Remove USB and reboot". But doing this I end up again in this loop. Bootloader is 3.44.
  3. Remove Usb And Reboot

    Thanks, but it doesn`t work. Doing noting leaves the box stuck in this message even if I wait for several minutes , it won`t reboot. Removing the stick doesn`t change anything. Only power off lets it start again. Edit: Today I tried it again, and now it worked. Don't know why an how, but everything is o.k now!
  4. Remove Usb And Reboot

    Hello, its a nemesis. The updating message shows up just for 2 seconds, Removing the stick and rebooting without the stick lets the box start as usual, Strange enough I have 6,6 installed in Egamiboot on 6.5 in flash as second image for testing. In Egamiboot 6.6 installed without problems und runs well.
  5. Hello, no screensaver plugin from the feed works. They are installed, but don't appear in the plugin list. In 6.5 everything worked. Has someone a working plugin?
  6. Bug In Epg Guide

    As you can see in the screenshot the time remaining ist wrong. Listed as "remaining" is the duration of the event. The second fault ist, although I translated "Remaining" as "Verbleibend" in de.po this appears still in English. http://speedy.sh/S5RTU/PHOENIX-HD-28112014-214.jpg
  7. Hello, if you are in EgamiBoot menue and choose a Boot Image(red button), you will be asked if you want to boot that specified Image. If you click on "No" you get the message that this image will be booted next time. This is disturbing. Wouldn't it be better, "No" would exit this menue, especially because "Exit" button doesn't work here?
  8. Hello, a timer recording on nemesis with the setting "automatic" out of a deep standby doesnt lead back to deep standby, but leaves the box switched on. A recording out of simple standby records with the box in simple standby and is alright so. Other images like OpenATV or Atemio had the same problem. At last in OpenATV it is fixed. Please have a look. Thanks
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